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Twitter- XS

Nuevo Twitter- XS
  • We track your profile views by location to see which keywords are driving the most traffic.
  • Improve search engine rankings with keyword and topic suggestion tools.
  • Increase traffic to your website with higher rankings
  • Submit your website to Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL.
  • We track your progress with checklist and ranking reports.
  • Allows us to publish Products, Services, Calendars, Staff Bios and Menus for your company.
  • We track your ratings and reviews from your customers post on your online listing

Select the plan that best suits your business:

Basic                                                                                                              $175 Per Month     

  • 200 Setup Fee
  • 1 Producto Optimisado
  • Up to 50 directory submissions
  • 5 social media post
  • 3 industry specific directory submissions

Elite                                                                                                                $350 Per Month

  • No set up fee
  • 5 Producto Optimizado
  • Up to 50 directory submissions
  • 10 social media post
  • 5 industry specific directory submissions

Premium                                                                                                       $500 Per Month

  • No Setup Fee
  • 8 Productos Optimizados
  • Up to 50 directory submission for single location
  • 25 social media post
  • 5 Industry specific directory submissions
  • 1  hour of SEO optimization
  • Plus – Monthly Reputation Report
  • Plus – Up to 3 menus, product list, staff bios for all locations

Professional                                                                                                 $1000 Per Month

  • No Setup Fee
  • 8 Productos Optimizados
  • Up to 50 directory submission for a single location
  • 50 social media post
  • 5 industry specific directory submissions
  • 2  Hours of SEO Optimization
  • Plus – Monthly Reputation Report
  • Plus – Up to 5 menus, product list, staff bios for all locations
  • Plus – Up to 3 menus, product list, staff bios for all locations

Escribir comentario

Por favor acceda o registrate para comentar.
  • Visitas: 6918
  • Código: 20-120417
  • Disponibilidad: En Stock
  • $500,00

Opciones disponibles

Perfil de pago

Etiquetas: Product Online Publishing

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